Monday, August 3, 2009

Well Summer is Here Today

I guess Ol' Mother Nature decided that we needed a little taste of summer this week finally. Temperatures are going to be in the upper 90's for the rest of the week. This will pose a challenge for my staff and I as the turf grass hasn't really been pushed this year and all the root structures are at the surface due to the amount of rainfall and cool temperatures we have been having. Every chance I have had I have been trying to harden off the turf a little and make it stress with water management, which will help it's roots to grow down towards the moisture and not stay at the surface. We were able to get all the bridges completely staind this morning. I have had some ask me about the bridge between #7 and #8 and the bumps. The bumps are there due to the cart path settling after construction. The only way to fix this permanetley is to rip out the concrete on each side fill it up and level it and then repour the concrete. I have tried to use a more economical approach and have installed some boards to help absorb the bump a little bit. As you can imagine the expense to fix this bridge and the amount of construction it would cause would be a big issue at this time of year. We will continue to monitor this area and the settling. I have installed several concrete sacks and poured some additional concrete around the bridges to help slow down the erosion and settlement. Thanks for the comments.

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