Friday, March 26, 2010

Soggy and Busy

We have had a rather soggy and busy week this week. Mother nature has continued to bless us with some difficult conditions, but we are moving forward and dealing with it as much as possible. At the beginning of the week we had a tremendous amount of snow melt which resulted in tremendously wet and soggy conditions. We then had one day to dry out and then once again Mother Nature reared her ugly head again dropped about .75" of rain to continue the extremely soggy conditions. None the less we have been able to continue and get our work done. We were able to mow the greens on Thursday and are planning to mow them this morning as soon as the frost breaks. My staff also has started our annual spring edging of our bunkers. Over the winter the sand blows out of the bunkers and forms white eyebrows around our bunkers. This allows the grass to start to grow into the bunkers in these areas and actually moves the edges of the bunker. It is important for us to stay on top of this and get the bunkers re-edged before they get to far into the spring and really get to growing and shrinking the size of the bunkers. It looks like we are going to have some more rain on Saturday and then hopefully some warmer and drier conditions next week. I would like to ask you to help us out this spring with the divots in the fairways and tees. Due to the carts being on cart paths for the winter months until the zoysia greens back the sand bottles aren't readily available to use. I would like to ask you to try and remember to take the sand bottle with you out to the fairways when you are hitting your shots and fill in your divots. This will help the divots recover faster when the grass greens up in the next month or so. Also on the tee boxes we provide a box full of sand that you can use to fill in the divots. This will help us tremendously in continuing to provide championship playing conditions on a daily basis. Hope everyone has a great weekend. What a game for Kansas State on Thursday night. The most incredible game in my lifetime I have ever seen. Anyway congrats to my CATS and on they move to the Elite 8 on Saturday!!

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